Membership FAQ

How do I become a member of the chapter?

We consider all Tri Deltas in the Boston area as members of our alumnae chapter. Dues-paying membership provides even more avenues for connecting with sisters and supports our chapters operations. We strongly encourage all sisters in the Boston area to become a dues-paying member.


How do I become a dues-paying member of the chapter?

Please register to become a dues-paying member via this form, then pay your dues via the method you indicated on the form. For more information on dues, including the cost of annual membership, please see the "Join Our Chapter" page of our website.


Why join as a dues-paying member?

The Boston Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter perpetuates the lifelong commitment of membership within Delta Delta Delta. It not only allows alumnae to continue sisterhood beyond their collegiate years, but also offers to strengthen the traditions, rituals, and histories of the Fraternity founded here in Boston.


What are the benefits of being a dues-paying member?

Dues-paying members, in addition to being recognized as official members of the Boston Alumnae Chapter, are eligible for various perks during their year of membership, such as members only events, members only book club, event discounts, Boston resource center, mentorship opportunities, annual subscription to the Trident, and opportunity to join the Officers Board. 


Why are there different dues and what are they for?

Dues are split into two categories: national and local. National dues are sent to Executive Office to continue the chapter's status as a recognized alumnae chapter of Delta Delta Delta. Local dues help the chapter host social events, support our philanthropic efforts and cover operating expenses. National dues are $26, and local dues are $34, totaling $60 for one year of membership. Life Loyal members are exempt from national dues, and only pay local dues ($34) for annual membership. Please register to become a dues-paying member via this form, then pay your dues via the method you indicated on the form.


How do I stay connected and up to date with chapter happenings?

The Boston Alumnae Chapter welcomes you to stay connected through our email list, Facebook group, and Instagram to stay up-to-date on all chapter happenings and opportunities. To join our email list to receive newsletters, event invitations, and more, please sign up here.


Please contact the chapter officer team at with any further questions!